I know I haven't updated in quite a while. It's honestly hard to find a good chunk of time when I can actually sit down, go through pictures, and write somewhat of an understandable blog :) The past month or so has been a busy one. We've taken yet another trip to San Francisco for PJ. His head was beginning to measure growing too quickly which raised a red flag. We called the pediatric neurosurgeon and they said that they wanted to see PJ and get an updated ultrasound of his ventricles. Also, it had been over a month since we had beed down there and since had gotten new braces for his feet and they wanted to check those out as well. We were ready to go back because we really just wanted to know if everything was alright. Daniel stayed here with my mom and dad (we wouldn't know what to do with out them!!) and we were able to make it a relatively quick trip down. My friend Shana rode with us down there because she was picking up a car in SF. That worked out great for us. We told her that she was on binky/bottle duty sitting in the back with PJ. ha! PJ is a sensative boy in that he is very picky to who can hold him, who's around him, etc...but he loves Shana! It was a blessing having her ride down with us. Once we got to the Spina Bifida clinic we were told that according to the latest ultrasound showed that there was NO CHANGE in fluid levels!!! Praise God!! I think that my boys just have big heads...and I say that with all the love a mother can give! :) We showed one of the dr.'s the braces for his feet and we learned we had to make a couple adjustments to them. The front strap should be covering his toes more. All SB babies have a problem with their toes. They have the muscles and ability to curl them, but not necessarily stretch them out as well. So in turn they become curled and very tight. So this brace will not only help the angle at which his feet sit, but also straighten out his toes. Once we have achieved what we need, I will post before/after pics of his toes. You will be amazed at how pliable babies' bones are! We were also able to schedule PJ's hip surgery and spica casting (boo!). He is scheduled for April 16th for the hip surgery. The surgery itself is called an "open reduction". We were reassured by the orthopedic surgeon that it's a very good possiblity that he'll only have to be in the spica cast for 6 weeks and then transfer into a brace. We are praying for God would heal PJ's hip and we could be through the hard part faster than we imagined. The 16th of April is a Monday and on the Friday before we will be getting another urodynamics study done. He received one the day we were discharged from the hospital and they said that he would need to get another one done when he turned 6 months...yes...he is almost 6 months!! That makes me want to cry...or eat some chocolate. ha! The study will tell us what his bladder looks like now and whether or not there has been reflux up into his kidneys. As you know, we have been cathing him since he was born every 3-4 hours. We know that won't change, but here's to hoping! So, we have a big week coming up soon. Please keep us in your prayers. Pray that PJ would adjust quickly and well and that those 6 weeks would fly by. It will be hard at first, healing from surgery along with not being able to move all of the sudden. It's going to be hairy I think. I think I'm more worried than anyone about it, but isn't that what moms are supposed to do?!
Yesterday we spent the day in Reno. Daniel has had a hard time hearing for the past 6 months or so...but it's so hard at this age because you don't know if they are just being their age, as in selective hearing, or if there really is something else going on. We took him to an ENT dr. yesterday to get checked out and have a hearing test done. As soon as the dr. looked into his left ear, he said that it didn't "look so hot"...um..ok? So, after the hearing test we were shown the results and they were dissapointing. He doesn't have 50% of his hearing in the left ear because there is so much fluid which as been unable to drain. So, it looks like he will be getting tubes in his ears. He had tubes put in when he was 2 due to chronic ear infections and since this is the second time in getting them, he may have his adnoids removed as well. The dr. will make that decision when he is putting the tubes in. That surgery is scheduled for March 28th. I remember from the first time it was a breeze, except for waking up from anesthesia. Please keep Daniel in your prayers that all will go well and he'll wake up better than expected!
All of these dr. appts get to be a little overwhelming, but I am constantly reminded that God has a plan for us and to stray from trusting in that is going to do absolutely nothing for me except send me on a tail spin of disaster. I know that things could always be worse and that God's mercies are new every morning, praise God for that! God's Word has been such an encouragement to me and reading about His promises for us and knowing that God will keep us safe and even though sometimes it is confusing and we wonder why, that is not for us to understand. We are to be a light in the world, and being a light through our own times of darkness is what will really reveal God's power and love. We can only be thankful that God would choose us to be able to testify his glory!
Other than dr.'s appts, we have been busy. Mitch has been working a ton of overtime, which is needed and we are very thankful for the opportunity for him to do that! It gets hard towards the end of the rotation, but again, we are thankful. He is such a hard worker and I am so blessed to have a husband that works so hard and never complains about having to go to work.
The weather has been nice and Daniel and Mitch have played quite a bit of baseball in the backyard. We've lost quite a few balls due to a few home runs Daniel has hit and I'm sure the neighbor's dogs appreciate the new chew toys. Daniel has resisted from picking the first crocus' of the season. But he is all in for looking under the rocks and making mud in the garden. PJ has made a few trips outside himself, but what can a 5 month old really do outside yet?? When the weather is nice on more of a consistant basis, then I'll get a blanket out and let him lay out in the yard. I'm sure he'll be amazed!
I've done my share of spring cleaning the past couple weeks! Everyone's rooms have been deep cleaned and organized. I've gotten rid of garbage bags full of clothes that are now taking up room in the garage. Closets look amazing and rooms are spic and span. I am trying my hardest to keep in that way! I still have things on my list of spring cleaning projects, but those were some of the biggest and I'm glad to have them out of the way!
I've included some pics for your enjoyment. I noticed that there was only a couple pics of Daniel, but that is due to him taking weird pictures lately. I can't get a good one of him! He makes the goofiest faces...I don't know what to do with him!!! Enjoy the pictures!
PJ's pajamas have changed due to his braces...thanks to Jen for the baby legs! Daniel likes to entertain PJ while he is getting his diaper changed...he does a good job at that!
I was reading in the living room and I heard some kids outside. They were walking to the edge of the parking lot. We live right across from Daniel's preschool and I spied on him doing a fire drill! He's the tallest one of the bunch.
Peek-a-boo PJ!
Mitch and Daniel had a boys day last Saturday that consisted of bowling and burgers! They had a blast! Daniel was so excited!
PJ was sitting in his bumbo while a cooked dinner. Look at those gummies!!
Why do the boys get the best eyelashes?
Good Morning sunshine!! PJ is a big fan of the mornings! I get nothing but smiles from this boy!
Here's a pic of his lates braces (AFO's). Hopefully these will fix his feet and toes!
I just had to post this one because he looks so much older in this pic.
That's what we've been up to this last month. This blog got a lot longer than I expected! Sorry!! Hope you all are enjoying spring springing!! We will be sure to keep you updated through the surgery process. Thank you for your prayers...as always!! It's such a comfort to know we have such a huge prayer support out there!