Friday, March 30, 2012

Tubes...round 2!

This past week consisted of yet another trip out of town for a dr.'s visit...and this time it was for our big boy Daniel.  We have been noticing for some time now that he has been having trouble hearing, but didn't know if we should chalk it up to his age and the appropriate selected-hearingness that his age entails, but after a few different people telling us that they have noticed as well that he says, "huh? what? what did you say" too many times, we thought that we would take him to get a hearing test.  And with kindergarten coming up, we knew he needed to be hearing well.  We took him a couple weeks ago to a dr. in Reno and learned that he only had 50% of hearing in his left ear because his tubes were blocked with gunky, thick fluid that was not draining and his right ear looked a little better, but still contained some fluid.  The dr. said that he would need tubes and possibly his adnoids removed.  When Daniel was almost 2 he had tubes put in due to chronic ear infections and the dr. said that because he has already had tubes, usually the second time they take the adnoids out because they are usually the cause of the fluid not draining.
So, this past Tuesday we went down to Reno and did all fun things for Daniel.  We stayed at a fun hotel where Daniel and Mitch went swimming and went to the arcade while PJ and I relaxed in the room.  Daniel even picked out a new stuffed animal (like he doesn't have enough!) to keep him company in the hospital.  We gorged ourselves with mall food, ice cream, and to top it off, Olive Garden for dinner.  I feel kind of sick just thinking about it! :-)
We had to wake up at 5 am to get checked in by 6 am at the hospital.  Once we were admitted, we sat in a little room waiting for them to wheel him off.  That's one of the parts I was dreading.  Daniel was so brave.  I could tell he was nervous and scared, but he was trying so hard to be a big boy, and he was! All in all, the procedure went really good.  He woke up so well, another part I was anxious about.  He didn't even cry, he just laid there quietly.  The nursed kept asking if he was ok.  I think they were kind of surprised at how quiet he was!  After about 30 minutes, we were able to leave and within an hour or so, we had our precious Daniel back to normal.  He is such a strong little man.  Here are some pictures to show that day.

With his hospital jammies on! Big smiles!

Still know how it goes!

 Ready to go with his super-hero hat and all!!

PJ was such a good boy the whole day.  We were waiting...waiting...PJ passing the time by finding something to chew on!

This is our sweet boy afterwards.  He was so quiet and just said he wanted to go about melting my heart!

A couple hours after we left, Daniel was back to his normal self...silly and all!  Praise God.  No matter how big or small surgeries are, they are still that, surgeries.  Not knowing how he would do with anesthesia and all, we are so thankful things went the way they did.  The only trouble we have had is getting Daniel to lay still while we put drops in his ears!  Not too much to complain about here!!! So glad that is over!
Only a couple more weeks before we head back to San Fran for PJ's hip surgery.  We have been getting things in order before we go.  Today I placed a bid on ebay for a car seat made specifically for babies with spica casts.  The beginning bid was $199  GULP!  To buy a brand new one, it ranges from anywhere from $450-$500, so hopefully we win this bidding war and get the car seat!  There is free shipping, so that's something to be thankful for!! ha!  In the mean time we have been enjoying PJ's chunky legs as we won't see them for a while.  He is quite the character these days.  Developing his own little personality and's so fun!!  We are so blessed with our boys and we are so grateful for God's never-ending love for us.  God is so good!  I know I say that a lot, but I BELIEVE IT a lot!!


Andy and Kendra Anderson said...

Yep--our God IS so good!! Again, so thankful that all went well with Daniel and that he's healing up nicely! You guys are just awesome parents all-around. :) Love that last picture of PJ--he's growing up way too quickly! I might (no, MUST) log some more auntie snuggle time!
love you guys!

Patti said...

Mitch and Heather. Great to chat with you again. :) I know God is doing an awesome work in your hearts as well as those of your children.We serve an awesome God who knows each little detail about PJ and Daniel. He DID "dare to be a Daniel". I love your little family and we will keep you in our prayers.