If any of you feel like I do...it's tired and worn out! I feel like I am going at a million miles an hour trying to get everything done and ready for the next few days. Each time I go to the store I think I am good till next week...nope, not done shopping. Hopefully there is only one more trip in store for me this week...hopefully :-)
It is Mitch's b-day today. He's 28 and he likes to "remind" me that he is 10 months older than me. It's ok because in a couple years I'll be so kind to "remind" him that I am 10 months younger...heehee. We've been busy wrapping b-day presents, baking a cake, cleaning and getting ready for him to come home from work. He has requested Hot Taco Rice for his b-day dinner, which is great for me because it's so easy! It's a meal that he has grown up with and he loves it. We're staying home tonight and just enjoying our time as a family tonight. It will be really nice.
I even got all of Mitch's Christmas presents wrapped today, which is awesome for me! I'll pat myself on the back for that! I usually procrastonate wrapping his gifts till Christmas Eve, but not this year! So there is only a few gifts left to wrap and put under the tree.
Does anyone else feel like they can't swallow another Christmas cookie? Maybe I feel like that because I just had a sugar cookie that TOTALLY did me in, but I feel like I need to eat only fruit or a week or something. ha! We'll see how I feel tomorrow :-)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Time to Rest!
phew! This has been a long and crazy week!
Daniel is finally feeling better. We were going to take him to the dr. on Thursday, but he woke up totally fine. He didn't have to get up Wednesday night to throw up and he actually had an appetite and was looking/feeling a lot better. So, I cancelled that appt. and we decided that we were going to for sure go to Reno and get some shopping done. We NEEDED to go! We had fun in Reno. We got a free hotel room (yay!) and were actually on the road back home by 12:30 because the weather was getting bad and we wanted to get home in the daylight. We saw about 5 or 6 rolled cars in the canyon (for those of you who don't know it's about 25ish miles long of a canyon). So, we were super stressed the whole drive...wait wait wait...let me rephrase.... "I" was super stressed the whole drive home. Even though we have a truck doesn't mean you can drive like a crazy person in the snow! I told Mitch that we had to drive like 55 or my blood pressure would go nuts! haha! He really puts up with a lot from me!
So, this coming week is going to consist of wrapping presents, maybe baking a few more goodies, and really enjoying this Christmas season. I have really been enjoying singing Christmas songs at church...and who says you can't sing them all year long, right?! God is so great that He sent His son, as a baby, to pay our debt that he didn't need to do, but loved us so much He sent His OWN son to do it! Wow!
I hope all of you are finding time to get everything done on this last stretch of the Christmas season. Take it all in and take some time for yourself to eat a cookie or two, drink some tea, and RELAX! Trust me, I've been doing it!! ha!
Daniel is finally feeling better. We were going to take him to the dr. on Thursday, but he woke up totally fine. He didn't have to get up Wednesday night to throw up and he actually had an appetite and was looking/feeling a lot better. So, I cancelled that appt. and we decided that we were going to for sure go to Reno and get some shopping done. We NEEDED to go! We had fun in Reno. We got a free hotel room (yay!) and were actually on the road back home by 12:30 because the weather was getting bad and we wanted to get home in the daylight. We saw about 5 or 6 rolled cars in the canyon (for those of you who don't know it's about 25ish miles long of a canyon). So, we were super stressed the whole drive...wait wait wait...let me rephrase.... "I" was super stressed the whole drive home. Even though we have a truck doesn't mean you can drive like a crazy person in the snow! I told Mitch that we had to drive like 55 or my blood pressure would go nuts! haha! He really puts up with a lot from me!
So, this coming week is going to consist of wrapping presents, maybe baking a few more goodies, and really enjoying this Christmas season. I have really been enjoying singing Christmas songs at church...and who says you can't sing them all year long, right?! God is so great that He sent His son, as a baby, to pay our debt that he didn't need to do, but loved us so much He sent His OWN son to do it! Wow!
I hope all of you are finding time to get everything done on this last stretch of the Christmas season. Take it all in and take some time for yourself to eat a cookie or two, drink some tea, and RELAX! Trust me, I've been doing it!! ha!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Ok, flu bug, leave my son alone! It's been a week now and Daniel is still under the weather. I find myself almost desperate now to get him better and nothing seems to be working. Yesterday I thought he was better. He skipped school only because I wanted to make sure he was ok. He even went to Cubbies at church and loved it. He was running around and had fun having a birthday party for Jesus. He went to my moms while I went to Awana so he could just lay low and hang with Nanny. When I brought him home he was insinstant on tucking himself into bed, which NEVER happens. Mitch and I were sitting in the living room and Daniel was singing Happy Birthday to Jesus at the top of his lungs and then we would hear him laughing so hard at himself. It was cute to hear that and we were laughing out in the living room and him entertaining himself. After his "concert" he fell alseep really good. THEN....at 12:30 last night I was awaken by screaming in his room. I ran in there and he had pucked E-V-E-R-Y-where.....So, the count of washing his bed sheets is up to 3 so far this week. I felt so bad for him. And it was strange because all he had yesterday for meals was toast and gaterade. So this morning we have been taking it easy. He has been drinking a lot, but has not been peeing a lot. This has me worried. But, I have been told if he is drinking enough he will be fine. I don't know. He has a dr. appt tomorrow afternoon (of course it has to be a whole day and a half away). I'm sure they'll tell me that he has the flu (oh really, I didn't know that) and to just keep him hydrated. I guess I am partly going for my peace of mind. Do you guys have any "tips" or methods that seem to work for you?
With everything going on this week I can hardly believe that Christmas is NEXT WEEK! What?! We are supposed to be going to Reno tomorrow and Friday for some shopping, but it is all pending on how Daniel is. I think that he has to be on the mend by tomorrow...right? right?! It always seems like this time of year creeps up so quickly and I don't have enough time to soak it all in and really enjoy it like when I was a kid. What happened to that feeling of just living in that moment? It's hard to do when you are a parent, you work (although I've missed quite a lot lately) and have commitments that just make life busy. I guess that's life right? It's hard to admit, but I think I'm grown up! ha!
I hope you all take time to remember the reason for the season...as corny as that saying is, it's true. Sometimes we get so caught up in shopping, decorating, and baking that we forget that this is when we celebrate when God sent His Son to earth to do something so beautiful and undeserving for us. God is so amazing and faithful that sometimes we take His provisions and His unconditional love for granted. I know I do. I've been trying to grasp the fact that He loves me unconditionally. I don't think that as sinners, we can ever love someone unconditionally. Sure we say our kids, but just think of how much you love your child(ren) and times that by eternity and THAT is how unconditionally He loves us. Wow, what an awesome God we serve!
With everything going on this week I can hardly believe that Christmas is NEXT WEEK! What?! We are supposed to be going to Reno tomorrow and Friday for some shopping, but it is all pending on how Daniel is. I think that he has to be on the mend by tomorrow...right? right?! It always seems like this time of year creeps up so quickly and I don't have enough time to soak it all in and really enjoy it like when I was a kid. What happened to that feeling of just living in that moment? It's hard to do when you are a parent, you work (although I've missed quite a lot lately) and have commitments that just make life busy. I guess that's life right? It's hard to admit, but I think I'm grown up! ha!
I hope you all take time to remember the reason for the season...as corny as that saying is, it's true. Sometimes we get so caught up in shopping, decorating, and baking that we forget that this is when we celebrate when God sent His Son to earth to do something so beautiful and undeserving for us. God is so amazing and faithful that sometimes we take His provisions and His unconditional love for granted. I know I do. I've been trying to grasp the fact that He loves me unconditionally. I don't think that as sinners, we can ever love someone unconditionally. Sure we say our kids, but just think of how much you love your child(ren) and times that by eternity and THAT is how unconditionally He loves us. Wow, what an awesome God we serve!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Manic Mondays!
This morning started out good. Daniel climbed into bed with me and we snuggled for a little while. That doesn't happen very often. That little piece of heaven was followed by "MOM! I'm hungryyyyy"...I think he may have said that like 4 or 5 times. :-/ If anyone knows me... I am NOT a morning person and it takes me a while to "wake up" and be alive. So, I made Daniel the usual...instant maple and brown sugar oatmeal. I don't know why, but this boy LOVES that stuff...and it's ok with me! We went to the store and met Mitch and a couple of his co-workers for lunch. Something clicked in Daniel and he was totally out of it. Just like the other night. He didn't eat/drink anything for lunch. He just sat there. When we got home, he went right to bed for a couple hours and woke up to find himself a slave the the porcelain throne. For some reason this afternoon, he has been riding the D-Train. It's like he just can't shake this flu. I don't know what to do besides keep him hydrated. I just hate him being sick. Also, I worry about tomorrow because he has school and I have work. I have missed a lot of work lately and the last thing I need to do is call in...again. If it were me and someone kept calling in because their kid was sick, I would get a little annoyed too. So, hopefully by tomorrow he will be feeling better.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do when your child is riding is riding the D-Train??? Does Imodium AD work at all? I've been giving him Pepto tablets, but I don't think it's working...
Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do when your child is riding is riding the D-Train??? Does Imodium AD work at all? I've been giving him Pepto tablets, but I don't think it's working...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Lazy Sunday
It feels so strange today to not go to church...but Daniel and I needed to stay home today. Last night we capped of the uber busy day with Mitch's work Christmas party and Daniel was totally out of it. I mean, laying-his-head-on-the-dinner-table out of it...It was crazy! I didn't know what was wrong with him! He had the flu on Tuesday and I was wondering if he was still a little sick. He didn't eat anything, wouldn't drink anything and didn't even want to see Santa Claus who made his appearance at the party and even brought Daniel a present! He didn't care. So once we left the party, I stopped by the market and got him some Pepto. If anyone is like me, Pepto gives you the heeby geebies just thinking about taking it! But, thankfully, the children's Pepto comes in chewable form. So I gave Daniel two of those (he weighs enough to be considered a 6 year old pound wise). Not even an hour later, he threw up all over his bed. I was wondering when that day would come that I had to clean my child's bedding at 10:30 at night and vent his room out from the rancid smell. Immediatly after that, he was back to himself. I am thinking it was just something he ate for lunch. Who knows with kids! But, this morning, he is doing fine. In fact he wanted oatmeal and cold cereal for breakfast! Kids are so unpredictable!
Today is one of those days that I have a lot that I could be doing. I have laundry to do, kitchen floor to be mopped, things to get at the store, put away the clutter that collects on the kitchen table, etc etc. Even though all of those things are beckoning my name, I am going to resist! I know if I keep going like I have been, I'll get sick soon. So, today we are being lazy. We are meeting my SIL and nephews for lunch and that's all we are going to do today! I think we all deserve a day like that now and then right? ;-)
Today is one of those days that I have a lot that I could be doing. I have laundry to do, kitchen floor to be mopped, things to get at the store, put away the clutter that collects on the kitchen table, etc etc. Even though all of those things are beckoning my name, I am going to resist! I know if I keep going like I have been, I'll get sick soon. So, today we are being lazy. We are meeting my SIL and nephews for lunch and that's all we are going to do today! I think we all deserve a day like that now and then right? ;-)
Friday, December 10, 2010
Holiday Treats...mmmm....
So, Christmas is in full-force with it's baking goodness in tow! Today I had to make 6 dozen cookies for the police wive's cookie exchange tomorrow...and I also had to make a holiday entree for tonight's women's Christmas party at the church. I haven't made any Christmas cookies for us three yet...I think I might have Daniel help me with some good sugar cookies on Sunday (recipe courtesy of my amazing Grandma Beth). I feel like the time is slipping away, and I better have a good excuse for the "holiday pounds"...haha!
Ever since the holiday extravaganza at church (think dozens of women, crafts, FOOD) I have been a slave to this white chocolate kettle corn. I wish it wasn't so easy to make, because then, maybe we wouldn't be devouring it like mad! Ah well...New Years is right around the corner, time to make that good ol' resolution of losing weight right?!
Daniel is so excited about Christmas! Last week he wrote a letter to Santa that consisted of a whole bunch of e's, o's, D's, and A's....But he told me what it said. Maybe he knows another language and isn't filling me in on the translation, but supposedly it said that he wants and Leapster and a Buzz Lightyear gun. Who knew a 3 year old could write fluently in another language! ha! He is into decorating with me, which I love, but also doing the outside stuff with Mitch too. A good balance I say! Mitch has been working so much lately that I have had a lot of time one on one with Daniel, and it has been great. He is definitely growing up too quickly for me. Which makes me ponder quitting work until he goes to kindergarten. That's only a 1 1/2 years away folks! Since when do I have such a big boy?!
Ever since the holiday extravaganza at church (think dozens of women, crafts, FOOD) I have been a slave to this white chocolate kettle corn. I wish it wasn't so easy to make, because then, maybe we wouldn't be devouring it like mad! Ah well...New Years is right around the corner, time to make that good ol' resolution of losing weight right?!
Daniel is so excited about Christmas! Last week he wrote a letter to Santa that consisted of a whole bunch of e's, o's, D's, and A's....But he told me what it said. Maybe he knows another language and isn't filling me in on the translation, but supposedly it said that he wants and Leapster and a Buzz Lightyear gun. Who knew a 3 year old could write fluently in another language! ha! He is into decorating with me, which I love, but also doing the outside stuff with Mitch too. A good balance I say! Mitch has been working so much lately that I have had a lot of time one on one with Daniel, and it has been great. He is definitely growing up too quickly for me. Which makes me ponder quitting work until he goes to kindergarten. That's only a 1 1/2 years away folks! Since when do I have such a big boy?!
Giving In
So, originally, my friend started a blog and in order to be able to "follow" her and get her blogs, I needed to create an account. But then I thought, how neat to be able to talk about our lives w/o having everyone and their mother read it on facebook. I don't know how many times I've thought about deleting my fb account anyways. So, we'll see how this goes...this whole writing thing. It may even turn out to be a little theraputic...we'll see. :-)
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