Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Ok, flu bug, leave my son alone!  It's been a week now and Daniel is still under the weather.  I find myself almost desperate now to get him better and nothing seems to be working.  Yesterday I thought he was better.  He skipped school only because I wanted to make sure he was ok.  He even went to Cubbies at church and loved it.  He was running around and had fun having a birthday party for Jesus.  He went to my moms while I went to Awana so he could just lay low and hang with Nanny.  When I brought him home he was insinstant on tucking himself into bed, which NEVER happens.  Mitch and I were sitting in the living room and Daniel was singing Happy Birthday to Jesus at the top of his lungs and then we would hear him laughing so hard at himself.  It was cute to hear that and we were laughing out in the living room and him entertaining himself.  After his "concert" he fell alseep really good. 12:30 last night I was awaken by screaming in his room.  I ran in there and he had pucked E-V-E-R-Y-where.....So, the count of washing his bed sheets is up to 3 so far this week.  I felt so bad for him.  And it was strange because all he had yesterday for meals was toast and gaterade.  So this morning we have been taking it easy.  He has been drinking a lot, but has not been peeing a lot.   This has me worried.  But, I have been told if he is drinking enough he will be fine.  I don't know.  He has a dr. appt tomorrow afternoon (of course it has to be a whole day and a half away).  I'm sure they'll tell me that he has the flu (oh really, I didn't know that) and to just keep him hydrated.  I guess I am partly going for my peace of mind.  Do you guys have any "tips" or methods that seem to work for you?
With everything going on this week I can hardly believe that Christmas is NEXT WEEK! What?!  We are supposed to be going to Reno tomorrow and Friday for some shopping, but it is all pending on how Daniel is.  I think that he has to be on the mend by tomorrow...right?  right?!  It always seems like this time of year creeps up so quickly and I don't have enough time to soak it all in and really enjoy it like when I was a kid.  What happened to that feeling of just living in that moment?  It's hard to do when you are a parent, you work (although I've missed quite a lot lately) and have commitments that just make life busy.  I guess that's life right?  It's hard to admit, but I think I'm grown up! ha!
I hope you all take time to remember the reason for the corny as that saying is, it's true.  Sometimes we get so caught up in shopping, decorating, and baking that we forget that this is when we celebrate when God sent His Son to earth to do something so beautiful and undeserving for us. God is so amazing and faithful that sometimes we take His provisions and His unconditional love for granted.  I know I do.  I've been trying to grasp the fact that He loves me unconditionally.  I don't think that as sinners, we can ever love someone unconditionally.  Sure we say our kids, but just think of how much you love your child(ren) and times that by eternity and THAT is how unconditionally He loves us.  Wow, what an awesome God we serve!

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