I don't think that I've made it "officially" public yet, but we have had a name decided on for some time now. We've decided on Paul Jarrett (we'll call him PJ). I've always really loved the name Paul, thinking it was a handsome, manly name. But ever since we've found out that he has Spina Bifida, Paul is so much more fitting. If you've ever studied about Paul in the bible, you've come to learn that through everything Paul went through for Christ, all of his suffering, he trusted God and despite all of his "road blocks" he remained persistant. Mitch puts it so much more eloquently, going into more detail about Paul, but let's just say, it is a perfect fit for our little man. We've grown so close to him already, I couldn't imagine still having him be un-named.
We've been getting ready for PJ's arrival for a while now....little by little. This past week we were finally able to get his room painted. Daniel even had his own special brush and helped us for about 5 minutes before he remembered Peppa Pig was on the tv. :-) In the most descriptive way I can put it, the color is like a chocolate milk shake (of course it's food related...I'm pregnant!! ha!). We will accent will reds, browns, and creams, and maybe some dark blues. I haven't picked a theme yet either. One of my close friends was asking me what the theme was and I was telling her that I'm just not really a theme person. We never had a theme for Daniel and to be totally honest...the theme of PJ's room is the last thing on my mind! As long as you can tell it's a boys room right? I washed all of Daniel's baby clothes (5 loads!) and put them away in PJ's dressers. I forgot what a pain in the neck folding baby laundry is. But, what a blessing it was the day I did all that laundry. Each piece of clothing I folded I was imagining PJ wearing them. I just couldn't believe that we are actually having another child and this child will be here soon...wearing these clothes! I am even more excited now, getting all of those types of things ready for him.
Tomorrow is my baby shower. I am so excited! I still can't believe that the shower is for us! The past few years going to baby showers was difficult because we had been trying and wanting a baby for so long and the fact that it's actually for us...it's hard to believe! God is so faithful and His promises are never failing. Looking back (hindsight is always 20/20) I can see some reasons why it wasn't our time to have a 2nd child yet. Especially PJ's condition, God totally had a plan. And that gives me hope for our future as well. God is in control, 100%. As much as I try to get all of my ducks in a row, to know the plan as far in advance as I can, etc...God has it already figured out and all I need to do it trust in Him. I know that the first year of PJ's life is going to be rough and full of dr.'s appts, traveling, surgery (maybe multiple) and things a baby shouldn't have to go through, but through it all God is going to be glorified. Shouldn't that be our goal in life anyways? We are just given an awesome way of doing it!
I never intend for my posts to be this long. I actually start out the post wondering what I am even going to talk about...and then it just seems to flow! :-)
So excited to meet PJ! I wish I could be there with you today! Makes me sad!:( Anyway, I'll be thinking of you and praying these last couple of months go by smoothly! Love you girly!
Thanks friend ;-) I wish you could be here too! I can't believe that there are only 7 weeks until he is finally here!! Miss you!!
Love you! Today was so much fun and you looked absolutely amazing!! It's truly a blessing for me to be your sister <3
Love you too Jen! The shower was SO beautiful today!! Thank you so much for all of your hard hard work, you guys out-did yourselves! It's truly a blessing being YOUR sister ;-)
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