Of course I have to make a post about Daniel's first day of school (pre-k). He was so excited, which made things easier for me. I did alright considering he will be gone for 3 hours in the mornings Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I was excited for him and had fun helping him get ready. Once we were fed, combed, and put together, I walked him across the street to school (how convenient!) and got him all settled in his classroom. He was excited to see some of his friends from preschool last year. When I came home, I'll be honest, I was looking forward to some quiet time and time to do anything I wanted. Well, that didn't last long. I enjoyed about a half hour and then I missed my buddy. It's too quiet around the house when he's not around! I was sad and lonely. I don't know what I am going to do next year when he goes to kindergarten...all day?! I have started praying already that God would prepare my heart and prepare Daniel for such a new transition.
Yesterday Daniel started up Cubbies again (AWANA). He was so excited about it. While we were practicing his verse, it was so neat to see how God doesn't let them forget His precious words. It was a verse from last year and Daniel remembered it! I am so thankful for that program, for Daniel to be around other kids who are learning scripture like he is. I feel like it has been such a blessing for Daniel. Mitch grew up through the AWANA program and he knows scripture like no other. Me on the other hand, I struggle with it. I can say the verse, but remembering exactly where it is, is another story. I didn't get to go through the program and I really think these kids have such an advantage in going.
Ok, here's a couple pictures of my school-kid from this morning. He's quite the character!
I got one nice/serious pic of him, even if his eyes are closed!
Now THIS, this is my Daniel, always making me laugh.
He is so handsome!! So thankful he loves school and how God worked all of that out--what a blessing!! :)
I was thinking of you yesterday! He is so funny! I'm glad he had fun and these next few months will surely be a transition for all of you but I promise -- it's going to be just fine! Love ya!!
Jen, I changed my settings and it must have worked!
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