Saturday, October 8, 2011

6 days old already?!

Hello everyone!  What a couple days we have had!  Sorry that we haven't been able to update in a couple days.  Things are nutzo and it always seems like when we can update we don't have enough time or we don't get wireless internet.  Mitch and I are sitting in the cafeteria at the hospital (it's around 7:00 am now) drinking coffee and eating donuts.  We just came down from the 15th floor where P.J. is.  I fed him and was able to get an excellent snuggle session in for about a half hour.  Man, I could hold him all day long!
I got discharged yesterday afternoon...which took FOREVER!  I was so ready to breathe some fresh air!  After getting discharged we went and at lunch.  I started to get stressed out because it was getting time to nurse and we got a little lost on our way back.  Needless to say, we will be sticking around the hospital from now on!  We checked into our Ronald McDonald house last night and did some laundry.  We were so exhausted, but couldn't go to sleep because we had to semi-unpack and I had to pump.  We didn't get to bed until after midnight.  I woke up around 4 to pump, again, and we got back to the hospital by 6 to cath/feed P.J.  We haven't been getting much sleep, but hopefully we will get into some routine where we will be getting more than 4-5 hours of sleep.
P.J. is doing good.  He has had an ultrasound on his head to monitor the fluid between his ventricles and he is looking good.  They said "microscopic" changes...which is good news.  His head circumference isn't changing which is another praise.  However, the fluid needs to drain somewhere and since it isn't draining in his head, it has started to drain around the incision.  It has been building up around there, so the dr. is monitoring that very closely.  He may still need a shunt placed if the fluid continues to build up in his back.  So, we'll see.  We aren't sure when they would determine yes/no on that. 
Cathing is going ok as well.  Mitch is doing so good at it.  I, on the other hand, am struggling at it.  Granted, I've only tried 2 or 3 times so far, but I am just taking a little longer to get the hang of it.  I'll get there.  P.J. doesn't even make a peep when you are doing it too!  That makes it a lot easier to do. 
Breastfeeding is going well.  The only hurdle we have to cross is P.J. falling asleep w/in minutes of latching on.  He freaks out until he is eating and then he passes out once he starts.  So, they are supplementing a little bit to keep him satisfied.  He is quite the eater...go figure! :-)  So, just pray that breastfeeding continues to go well and that he would stay awake for it!
His incision looks good.  It is about 3 inches, vertically, on his lower back.  It is a little red from stretching a healing, but the dr.'s say that it looks good.  We took pics of it, but I haven't decided on whether to post them or not.  They aren't easy to look at, especially on a little baby's back.  We'll see.  I'll wait to post them for now. 
Daniel has been such a great big brother.  Everytime he gets to the hospital he is bursting at the seams to see his brother.  He likes to caress his head, touch his little fingers and check out his toes.  We really miss Daniel and being around him all the time.  We have really enjoyed having him here with my parents.  They are going home tomorrow and let me tell you, we are dreading it.  We miss Daniel so much when he isn't with us.  I know that he really loves to be with my parents, so that helps, but it is hard not having him around!  He is our entertainment and our source of snuggles!  Hopefully we won't be very far behind them going home.  We are hoping we only have a couple more weeks here.
Ok, I suppose I've made you all wait long enough for some more pictures!  Please continue to pray for us and especially for P.J.  Pray that we wouldn't have to shunt him (not the end of the world if we had to), pray that his incision would heal quickly, and pray that we would continue to get guidance from the dr.'s with everything; his back, his head, his foot/leg, physical therapy, etc.  God has been so good.  He has been so faithful to us during this time.  There are so many ways that He is blessing us right now!  Although it is a tough time, it is so great to know that God is in control and will continue to do His will.  He has been a source of comfort and strength during this time and we can't wait to share with all of you someday specific ways in which God has provided and given us hope.  Praise the Lord for lessons and learning experiences.  Even though these lessons that we are going through usually aren't fun, they have become accepted and appreciated.  We are thankful.

Getting held by Daddy sure is nice!

Saying goodnight last night was not easy!  But, just look at how peaceful he was!

Taking an afternoon nap.

Right before discharge.

Look at those lips!

Daniel loves P.J.  He is so gentle with him and can't wait to see him everyday!

This was taken this morning...Love love love snuggling him!

 This morning he was awake and more alert than ever!


The Albrecht's said...

I just can't get over that chunky little face! Love him! Praying for you guys! I so wish I could be there! Know that your thought of often. Give me a call when you get a chance. And I know those chances are few and far between so don't worry about it! Love you guys!


fettic said...

Hello Hintons!!! Miss you guys like crazy. You all look fabulous. I can not wait to meet PJ. I hope you can start getting more sleep. You are all in our prayers. Love you tons. Heidi

Kestra said...

It sounds like everything is going well. I'm so glad that little PJ is healing up, and hoping that he continues to progress. It sounds like Daniel has been wonderful. I'm sure there wasn't ever a doubt that he would be. And I LOVE the picture of PJ with his eyes open!! So precious!

Amy Lyttle said...

I loved reading this "mommy" post. Heather- how blessed PJ is to have you for his mommy. The things you wrote are a testimony to God's peace carrying you through this tough time. You are making His name great! Thanks for that!

PJ is a looker!! Praying you get to take him home real soon!

