Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Finding our groove.

Everyone is gone now and so Mitch and I are trying to find our groove and create some kind of schedule.  I guess we already have a schedule seeing as though we cath and feed PJ every 3 hours.  Although, PJ has been a litle bit pushy on the feeding part...3 hours just seems too long to wait! :-) I don't mind, I like being needed by him!
This morning Mitch and I woke up early to go to a place called Crepe Vine for breakfast.  It was a little too froo froo for us and we are actually now eating in the cafe at the hospital...haha.  Oh well.  Yesterday we were able to get away from the hospital for a bit and go to Target.  You don't know how comforting a place like Target can be!  It's a little escape from the hubbub from the hospital.  I do stress myself out on our way back wondering if PJ is hungry and stressing that he is fussing and I am not there for him.  So, we try to keep our trips (when we do make them) close and quick.
Yesterday PJ had an ultrasound and it showed that his ventricles are still looking great!  Praise the Lord!  We were able to watch the ultrasound and Dr. Gupta actually showed up while he was getting it done and we got to talk to him (he is the pediatric neurosurgeon that did PJ's surgery).  He said that his incision is looking good.  There is some puffiness from fluid building up around his incision so they are keeping an eye on that.  Please pray for that specifically.  I'm not sure what they are going to do if it gets worse.  We are waiting to talk to the nuero team again to ask them that.  Right now that is our main concern.  And also that his ventricles remain stable. 
Last night when we came back from dinner, we walked into the wing he is in and he was missing!  It made my heart skip a beat because we weren't told that he was being moved!  They moved him to the north wing which is the wing for the "well babies" because they are transitioning babies to get ready to go home!  Which we have been told may be next Tuesday (only one week from today!!).  We can't even begin to describe our yearning to come home and be "normal".  It's tough being here everyday.  When we finally made it to our new "home", we were able to give PJ a bath for the first time.  He's had a bath already but we weren't able to give him one ourselves.  Oh my, what a delight!  He absolutely loved it!  I should have decided to feed him before bathing him because as soon as that warm towel was wrapped around him, he was out like a light for the night!  Mitch was able to spend some cuddle time with him...I must admit, I was soooo jealous!  All I wanted to do was rock him and smell his sweet skin!  The nurse even put him in his very first shirt!  He hasn't worn any clothes yet, so I have to say, he was looking pretty handsome in his white shirt!
Ok....now to the good part...pictures!  Enjoy!

Here's PJ's incision...it's actually looking good.  But you can tell there is some puffiness around it.  The redness is normal, kind of like a birthmark for spina bifida babies.

Looking at mama.

Enjoy the video!

Looking at daddy.

 Getting his ultrasound. He was so good!

 Starting his bath!

 Washing his hair.

 Rinsing out the suds!

 He loved having his hair washed!  Doesn't it look like he is so relaxed?!

 Like I said, out like a light!

 Look at those precious feet!

 Spending some time with Daddy.

 Good morning sunshine!  Looking at mama!

 Wide awake and content after eating.

I could do this all day long!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the little video.  Please continue to pray for PJ and for his healing.  We want him to heal w/o having to have any sort of intervention in doing so.  There are so many babies here that are truly sick and it makes us so thankful that PJ is such a healthy baby.  He just has some physical issues that we have to deal with.  There are so many things to be thankful for.  Yesterday there was a baby behind me that was in really bad shape.  The dr.'s and nurses were breathing for him and working on him while his dad just stood there, overwhelmed and scared.  I felt guilty, rocking PJ and feeding him.  We are so blessed to have this amazing baby who is in such better condition than a lot of these babies.  God is so good and we have to praise Him everyday for it.  I can't believe we would ever doubt God, especially now after seeing how He is in control and He has our best interests at heart.  Thank you for your constant prayer for our family.  It means so much to us.  We love each of you.


Crystal said...

Heather you are such an amazing writer. I have to admit I shed a few tears every time I get on here and read about all the amazing things going on in your lives right now! God id good! I think you and Mithch have done a wonderful job of keeping this blog updated in the midst of everything else and the pictures and videos...I am speechless. What a precious family you have! Keeping you in prayer and sending lots of love your way! Miss you and can't wait to have you back in town,
Much Love, Crystal

Andree said...

Ditto to what Crystal wrote. PJ is so blessed to have the family God chose for him. You are all amazing in so many ways! Prayers everyday for all of you! All my love, Andree. Thanks for your posts. Can't wait to see you back home!

Jen Anderson said...

I just can't get over how beautiful and precious he is. He truly is a wonderful little person! I miss him and you guys so much and can't wait to have you back home!!! We love you!!!! (and you look amazing as well!)

Madi said...

i can't wait to meet my new little buddy. :) praying always. we love all three of you and can't wait to see you.