Friday, July 22, 2011

Our pride and joy :-)

Daniel just finished his swimming lessons!  He had them for two weeks.  He started out in the 1st level, but I moved him up to the 2nd level on the 3rd day because I could tell he was ready to move on.  I'm glad I did that.  He was challenged and had a lot of fun.  He puts his head all the way under the water to look for "treasure" and is doing so well!  If you can't tell...I am one proud mama!!  He is so cute during swimming lessons, always looking back at me and Mitch to make sure we are looking and gives the occasional thumbs up.  Too cute!!  I thought I'd post some pics of him during swimming lessons. 
He's almost getting to the age when I try to take a picture in front of other kids he's like "oh mom! hurry up!"

He was so excited to go down the slide today!!  He went 3 times!

First time down, he survived!


Here he is with his certificate! 

1 comment:

The Albrecht's said...

Go Daniel!!! Good Job! You should be a proud mama!!