Thursday, January 26, 2012

Update on PJ's upcoming casting.

As you know from the previous post, PJ has to get a spica cast put on, which is a cast that goes from the chest to the ankles.  Also, the previous post was loaded with my anxious, nervous heart.  It was just so fresh and overwhelming!  The day after I posted, I got a call from the orthopedic surgeon, which is rare because usually it seems like we talk mostly to the nurse practicioner for the doctor or the coodinator, anyone beside the doctor.  But, she called us personally to talk about the procedure and what was involved with it.  She started by saying that she wanted his hip to loosen up from being in a brace for the past 2 1/2 months.  She said she wanted to wait for at least 2 months before putting him in it.  Although we just wanted to get it started and overwith, I can't help but be relieved and excited that I get to see PJ's chunky thighs for 2 more months!!  Also, that cuddle time is oh-so-precious.  We are definitely taking advantage of that!!  She also informed us that they would check his hip 6 -8 weeks in to see if it has set in the joint and if so, he can come out of the cast and be put back into the brace.  That would be awesome!  We are praying that we would be so blessed to get him out of it before 12 weeks!!  If not, we will roll with the punches!  The procedure itself is only about an hour, which is great, not a lot of time for him to be under.
Another great thing about waiting a couple months is that we can start physical therapy for PJ.  This is going to be great for him to strengthen his core muscles and loosen up some muscles that have gotten tight due to the brace he was in.  She was also saying that the water is great for loosening up his muscles.  That means me getting in a swimming suit....what??!  Don't you know I just had a baby?!! ha!!  Whatever is best for PJ right?
Tuesday we are going to Reno to get him fitted for foot braces to wear at night to fix his feet and toes.  This too is another praise because we get to get this fixed before he gets into the cast. 
We continue to rest in God's love and hand in our lives.  I just look back at PJ's short life already and God's hand is in every moment.  It is so awesome to be able to witness His power and His love for us...very awesome.
Now for a Daniel you know, he is in pre-k.  I can't tell you how much him being in pre-k has taught him.  He is such a smart little boy.  Each week of school they focus on a different letter and he as been looking forward mostly to the letter "P" because they are going to have a pajama/pizza party.  This is the week!! Tomorrow is his party and we have been going back and forth as to what pajamas to wear.  He has a few good buddies at school and he has been asking to wear his Buzz Lightyear jammies because there's a lazor "button" so he can lazor his friends.  I told him that he couldn't...well, because they are from last year and the pants stop at his shins and the shirt reveals his ever-so-cute belly button.  I would say it's borderline inappropriate! haha.   I'm trying to talk him into his Cars jammies.  Here's to coaxing him!
We've been doing nightly devotions with him as a family.  Sometimes we do them after dinner or before bedtime.  Last night we did the devotions about Lot and his wife and children fleeding Sodom and Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt.  Talk about the wrong devotion to do before bed!  Daniel was asking if he was going to turn into a pillar of salt if he disobeyed.  Let's just say we had to do an extra amount of praying while tucking him in.  :-)  He hasn't said anything this morning, so let's hope he forgets about it for a while.  Otherwise, he's loving the devotions.  He drew a picture the other day of Adam and Eve in the garden with a snake under the tree.  I tell ya, these kids remember E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!!  Trust me, I'm trying to be on my best behavior so he doesn't tell Nanny and Pappy what mommy did the other day!  I'm sure it's already happened but my parents don't tell me to save me the embarrassment!!
Hope everyone is doing well and trying to make it through winter.  This is a tough time of year with the dreadful weather, being stuck inside, and breathing the recirculated air in the house for too long!  No wonder we keep getting colds!  That reminds me...I should go take an Airborne!

1 comment:

Jen Anderson said...

AMEN, sister. Spring, please hurry!!

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