Thursday, January 19, 2012

Birthdays, Boys, and the Bay

A brief disclaimer as always: this is Mitchell. Also this blog is very photo-intensive. The faint of heart and the epileptics, may want to look away.

That being said its been a while since I've been on here. But I couldn't resist blogging about today's activities. For those that don't know we are back in San Francisco for follow up for PJ. We decided to have Daniel come with because it was his 5th birthday last Tuesday, Jan. 17th. We also came down early so that we could get an X-Ray for PJ prior to our appointments tomorrow.

When that was done we wanted to do something fun and "Big City" for Daniel. We were down to the Zoo and something called the Exploratorium. Due to the weather we chose the Exploratorium. For those of you from Minnesota it is the same as Science Museum. I was telling Heather earlier today that I can't remember how many times we went to the Science Museum on field trips and how great it was.

It was truly worth the price of admission to watch Daniel explore the Exploratorium. (Pun intended)
Oh let me back up as I intro these photos. Daniel had a bowling birthday last Saturday, Heather will blog about that later its late and I'm tired. The pictures below are from Heather's Parents house where Daniel had a mini 2nd celebration. Heather's mom made Lasagna and we opened a few extra presents and packages. (Heather is amazing at making birthdays last all day. Instead of opening presents in a whirlwind as is the only way my personality will allow. Heather staggers the presents throughout the day and I know Daniel loves that.)

Just something Karen whipped up for dessert. (It was sooooo good.)

Daniel blowing out his candles.
A robe from Melissa and Nathaniel. (Daniel's cousin Austin got a robe and Daniel wanted one cause his old robe was too small. He was so happy he had to throw down his go to funny face to show his excitement.)
I try to encourage Daniel that there is more out there than being a Police Officer, like his dad, but I'm kinda worried with pictures like this that he'll get his wish. (Next birthday I'm buying him a stethoscope.)
Finally the EXPLORATORIUM!!!!!!
The Vapor Tornado
This was PJ's look after I had read like the 200th Plaque explaining what each exhibit did.
The Vapor Tornado is responsible for bringing families together across the nation.

Daniel getting his swirl on.

Daniel and Heather racing. Daniel used gravity to beat his mom. (I think there were instructions for this one about how the smaller weights go faster or something like that but the kid in me took over, and we just did it. I made it this far without directions, sorry mom. JK Daniel, now that I'm an adult I read the directions.)

Ok, so this photo needs some explanations. Its not my newest facebook profile photo. This exhibit was about how your face is not exactly symmetrical. The premise of the exhibit is take a photo and smile or make a face and then the computer would give you two right or two left sides. This was me with two rights. I think it goes without saying that God knew what he was doing with the little things like our faces not being symmetrical. My nose was already large enough and now its doubled in size. Thank God that he is God and not me.

Daniel's long lost twin.

Daniel from Outer Space

This area was called the Tinker Area or something like that. There were wooden dowels and many shapes and sizes to make a spinning top. It was a true pleasure creating with Daniel today. Watching him go through the trial and error process with the shapes or the hole location until he got it right was really fun.

The Classic Bubble Table.

This chair was a true to scale model of the one to our right in the picture. There was also one that was to scale, but on the small end of the scale just out of the frame. (For those that care about useless knowledge, the chair just to our right in the photo is actually a standard dinner table chair.) 

I think this exhibit takes the cake as Daniel's favorite. This was great because when we were feeding PJ on the bench in the top right of the photo he would run back and forth. He would go over to it, turn the fan up or down, and run back. Then he would grab the ball and run to us and tell me look what I can do, and bounce it like a basketball. Then back to the fan. And on it went while the slow-flow nipple took forever to nourish PJ. Thanks Daniel for entertaining me.

Our new carrier for PJ. In crowded San Francisco where space is a precious commodity it has been nice.

Ok so the best part of the whole time was the Cow Eye Dissection. It was 10th grade biology all over again. I asked Daniel if he wanted to watch and he said yes, sat down, and was amazed.

The demonstrators cut the fat surrounding the eye, took the lens out, drained the fluid, showed us the optic nerve, a few rods and cones later and it was done. I don't know what Daniel retained, but I was thoroughly informed.

Over four hours at the Exploratorium can wear you out.

Daniel making music that only a parent could love.

Heather thanks as always for letting me share my thoughts and photos with our friends and family. I hpoe everyone enjoys. See you all next time.


The Albrecht's said...

Love seeing your posts too Mitch! Hope everything went well yesterday! Think of you guys often and miss you guys a lot! Give Daniel a birthday hug for me!

Love you guys!


Jen Anderson said...

So much fun!! The Exploratorium is one of our favorite SF places to visit! Daniel looks like he had a blast!
hope everything is going well with your appointments.. I've been thinking about you!

Andy and Kendra Anderson said...

Carson was looking at these with me and said "I want to go there with Daniel!" Can you imagine those boys together in that place?! ;) Too much fun!!
Glad you are having a great time together as a family...lots of prayers being said!! We love you guys!