Thursday, September 15, 2011

My how time flies!

It's hard to believe that it's been 10 weeks since we found out about PJ's diagnosis.  I thought that these last couple weeks would never come.  And now they are here and I don't know what to do about them.  Part of me is so excited to meet this beautiful son of ours and part of me isn't ready.  I don't feel ready at all, emotionally, for what is to come.  I don't know if I'm ready to face all that is coming.  It's so hard to comprehend how people get through rough times in their lives w/o the Lord.  I know that Proverb 3:5,6 is a verse that we grow up with and it can lose it's powerfulness when we don't give it the time or the attention and devotion that it deserves.  Just read it:
"Trust in the Lord, with ALL your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding, but in ALL YOUR WAYS acknowledge HIM and He will direct your paths"
That verse had been one of comfort, strength, guidance, and peace for me during these last couple months.  How simple of a command is that, but we often find ourselves trying to figure out everything on our own, trying to gain control of something that we simply cannot have control over.  Submitting to the Lord and trusting in Him is something that has proved to be in our favor...haven't we all found that to be true?  Many times when we try to be our own source of comfort and wisdom, we fail miserably, well, at least I do!  Trusting in God, not trying to figure it all out, knowing He will guide us, that is SO reassuring and hard to do, I must admit.  You're asking me to give up control?!  It almost seems impossible!  But, God has been proving Himself over and over, and not that He needs to do any proving mind you, He just has shown so much mercy and love to us we are forever grateful and undeserving.
So, something that I have come to understand through all of this, is that this is Mitch and I's chance to make Jesus famous in our own small way.  What an opportunity to proclaim His love to us!  That's our goal, to make Jesus our proclamation through all of this and beyond. Granted, we will probably fail and get distracted, but we are to glorify Him through everything, no matter what our condition, and that is what we aim to do.

This past Monday I went to Reno (with my Mom! yay!) to get the last ultrasound before we head to San Francisco on the 25th.  Let me tell you...this little boy (or should I say man?!) is going to be melting hearts all over the place.  The ultrasound technician took f-o-r-e-v-e-r to get to PJ's face.  My mom had never seen an actual ultrasound perfomed and I wanted her to be able to get a great experience.  One of the last things the ultrasound tech did was get a picture of his face, and oh mylanta...His cheeks poke out farther than his nose!!  He is sooo chunky.  I was told I must just make big babies.  That's ok to me!  He is estimated to be at 7.5 lbs and they say they can gain .5-.75 lbs a that would put us near 10lbs??  BUT, weight estimates this late in the pregnancy tend not to be as accurate because it's hard to get as good of a reading as you would during the 2nd who knows!  The dr. said that him being big is a good thing because he is more "durable" for his surgery the day after birth.  I just can't wait to meet him!  I tried to attach a picture, but it's not letting you all will have to wait until he gets here :-)


Jen Anderson said...

I am sooo looking forward to meeting this little bundle of love. I can't wait!!!

Elizabeth said...

what a journey this has been! love this blog, keep updating!!!! praying for sweet pj!