Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lazy Sunday

It feels so strange today to not go to church...but Daniel and I needed to stay home today.  Last night we capped of the uber busy day with Mitch's work Christmas party and Daniel was totally out of it.  I mean, laying-his-head-on-the-dinner-table out of it...It was crazy!  I didn't know what was wrong with him!  He had the flu on Tuesday and I was wondering if he was still a little sick.  He didn't eat anything, wouldn't drink anything and didn't even want to see Santa Claus who made his appearance at the party and even brought Daniel a present!  He didn't care.  So once we left the party, I stopped by the market and got him some Pepto.  If anyone is like me, Pepto gives you the heeby geebies just thinking about taking it!  But, thankfully, the children's Pepto comes in chewable form.  So I gave Daniel two of those (he weighs enough to be considered a 6 year old pound wise).  Not even an hour later, he threw up all over his bed.  I was wondering when that day would come that I had to clean my child's bedding at 10:30 at night and vent his room out from the rancid smell.  Immediatly after that, he was back to himself.  I am thinking it was just something he ate for lunch.  Who knows with kids! But, this morning, he is doing fine.  In fact he wanted oatmeal and cold cereal for breakfast!  Kids are so unpredictable!
Today is one of those days that I have a lot that I could be doing.  I have laundry to do, kitchen floor to be mopped, things to get at the store, put away the clutter that collects on the kitchen table, etc etc.  Even though all of those things are beckoning my name, I am going to resist!  I know if I keep going like I have been, I'll get sick soon.  So, today we are being lazy.  We are meeting my SIL and nephews for lunch and that's all we are going to do today!   I think we all deserve a day like that now and then right? ;-)


The Albrecht's said...

Sorry to hear about Daniel being sick. Poor little guy. I'm not looking forward to that at all. :( Hope he's still doing better! Love you!

Andy and Kendra Anderson said...

And lunch WAS so fun! :) We need to do that more often...yay for lazy Sundays!!