Wednesday, December 22, 2010


If any of you feel like I's tired and worn out!  I feel like I am going at a million miles an hour trying to get everything done and ready for the next few days.  Each time I go to the store I think I am good till next week...nope, not done shopping.  Hopefully there is only one more trip in store for me this week...hopefully :-)

It is Mitch's b-day today.  He's 28 and he likes to "remind" me that he is 10 months older than me.  It's ok because in a couple years I'll be so kind to "remind" him that I am 10 months younger...heehee.  We've been busy wrapping b-day presents, baking a cake, cleaning and getting ready for him to come home from work.   He has requested Hot Taco Rice for his b-day dinner, which is great for me because it's so easy!  It's a meal that he has grown up with and he loves it.  We're staying home tonight and just enjoying our time as a family tonight.  It will be really nice.

I even got all of Mitch's Christmas presents wrapped today, which is awesome for me!  I'll pat myself on the back for that!  I usually procrastonate wrapping his gifts till Christmas Eve, but not this year!  So there is only a few gifts left to wrap and put under the tree.
Does anyone else feel like they can't swallow another Christmas cookie?  Maybe I feel like that because I just had a sugar cookie that TOTALLY did me in, but I feel like I need to eat only fruit or a week or something.  ha!  We'll see how I feel tomorrow :-)

1 comment:

fettic said...

Wow...I'm impressed you are on top of things!!! I actually wrapped early this year too. I usually am a Christmas Eve wrapper. I hope Mitch had a great birthday and you all had a great Christmas. We will see you soon!