Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Adjusting to a new life.

We have officially been home for a week.  It's been crazy to say the least.  You would think that the hardest part of bringing your second child home would be just that: adjusting to a life with 2 children.  That has actually been the easiest thing to do!  Daniel has been such a great big brother and is constantly trying to help.  He is at every diaper change during the daylight hours.  He drops everything he is doing to help on binky patrol or to use the diaper champ.  I'm sure that will one day wear off, but we are enjoying his enthusiasm at the moment.
Daniel is in the phase of singing everything he says rather than talking normally.  It's hilarious!  It's adorable too.  He makes us laugh so much.  And the way he's the best.  He tries to sing all "opera" and his whole body shakes and it's hilarious.  I wish I had a video of it, you guys would love it.  He is definitely the comic relief that we need right now.  We are so glad and thankful to be home with him.  We are sad to be leaving him again for a few days next week.

Ready to go to school

It's easy to say that Daniel is getting a little more comfortable holding his baby brother.
PJ is doing well.  On Monday we did notice a little bit of a yellowish spot on his bandage from his back.  There is a little, pin-head size spot of something on his incision.  To put it lightly, we freaked out.  At first we were panicing that he was developing an infection. We called the nurse practicioner at UCSF to see what she thought.  We were a little relieved to know that it couldn't be an infection because he didn't/doesn't have a fever.  He's eating well (to my demise at night!) and sleeping well.  Of course it happened after hours on Monday and then Tuesday, lovely enough, all of the phones were down and internet was down.  The only source of communication we had to the outside world was local calls on our home phone.  Talk about horrible timing!  We had been waiting all day for the nurse to call us back.   While we were eating supper at the table last night, we heard our cell phones go off at about the same time.  The phones were working again!  There was a voicemail on Mitch's cell phone from our nurse.  We had emailed her a pic early that morning to show her what it looked like and she said that she didn't think it looked too bad.  This morning we got another email from her and she said that she showed Dr. Gupta the pic and he didn't seem concerned.  She thinks it's serous fluid, which is basically nothing to be worried about.  The lower-left side of his incision does have some bogginess to it though, which is new as of this morning.  So, please pray that that goes down.  The bogginess that he had in the hospital is still going down, but now there is some bogginess in a different spot.
There are SO MANY things that we are constantly looking for.  It's like we are waiting for something horrible to happen sometimes.  It's hard.  I was just thinking that I really need to rest in the fact that God has a purpose in all of this.  I may never know what it is, but I need to praise Him still.  It's not an easy thing to do when we feel like we can't truly enjoy having our newborn son at home.  Don't get me wrong, we are loving it to pieces, but we are also living on the verge of discovering something that is going wrong.  Before PJ was here, I was resting in Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths"...that verse has taken on a whole new meaning now that PJ is here.  I need to trust in God during this time.  Trust that He will give us the discernment and clarity that we need during this time, because He will.  It's easy to get distracted when life gets complicated and overwhelming, but God is so good, He will never leave us or forsake us. 

Smiling while he sleeps.
All in all, things are going good.  We are LOVING having PJ here with us, finally!  I must admit, those sweet 8 hour sleeps during the night are long gone!  It feels like as soon as my head hits the pillow, he is crying and ready to eat again.  I'm sure my exhausted state and raging hormones are such a delight to be around! :-)
Thank you again for all of your constant prayers.  We go to Reno on Wednesday to meet with the pediatric neurologist and then to San Fran Friday (4th) to go to Spina Bifida clinic all day, where we meet with all of the dr.'s all day.  We are so relieved to be going, we need some encouragement that things are going ok.  Please continue to pray for us that we would get through this rough patch of time.  I recieved a word of encouragement from a dad we met at UCSF with a 23 month old who has spina bifida as well.  He told me to hang in there because the first few months are the toughest and that it really does get better.   PJ is such a blessing and we are so thankful that God would gift him to us, we just want to take good care of him!

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