Friday, October 14, 2011

There's a light at the end of the tunnel!

This morning we came in to see PJ and he was wearing a onsie!  He hasn't worn a onsie yet and he looked sooo cute!  We also got him a new blankie.  His living space needed some sprucing up!  His little crib is definitely personalized, from the pictures colored/drawn by his big bro to the little animals from Daniel and Pappy and Nanny and the blankets made with love from church family.  This little boy is sure loved!  I know there are a lot of people praying for PJ and it shows.  God is truly amazing!  He is to be praised for sure.  There are so many ways, countless ways that He has been working through PJ.  There are many lessons that Mitch and I have learned through this process so far.  I know PJ's condition is life-long and I am sort of excited to see what God has for us to learn.  I know that there are going to be times in which I'll think I'm crazy for saying that, but honestly, our lives have been changed because of Daniel and PJ.  Things that used to hold so much significance just don't anymore.  I really love that!
So, now for an update.  PJ has been fitted for a brace on his right foot.  They told us that it is not a clubbed foot.  Clubbed feet turn in and down and his turns out and up.  His foot just looks really fragile.  The attending ortho is coming today to look at it and make a diagnosis as to what exactly it is and what we are going to do to treat it.  She may decide to cast him before we come home, which would be nice because then we wouldn't have to come back sooner that we do (Nov. 4th for appts).  In the mean time he'll wear a brace on his right foot.
His head circumfrence is 37 cm, last week it was 36.5.  The nurse practicioner told us today that all babies heads increase .5 cm a week, so that relieved my stress.  The bogginess, or fluid around his incision, is actually going down and the pediatric neurosurgeon is really pleased with PJ's progress.  So, on Monday we get one more ultrasound on his ventricles and if that is good....we get to come home on Tuesday!!!!!  We have a long weekend of waiting ahead of us!  But, our good friends Jeff and Shana are coming to visit us for a couple days, so we are pretty excited about that!  We are so blessed to have friends and family come and see us, it brings a little bit of home to us here, it's nice.  Hopefully they'll be able to distract us from the waiting we have to do for Monday, which I'm sure they'll do a good job at! :-)
That's about it for now.  Here's a couple pictures for your viewing pleasure!

Taking a nap in the afternoon sun.

 Mitch's first time feeding PJ.  Little buddy wasn't ready to eat when I was ready for him, so Daddy got to do it!

This is such a cute video.


Kestra said...

So great that Shana and Jeff are coming to see you! What good friends. I absolutely love the video of PJ, he is such a cutie! I can't wait to meet him, and see you!!! I'll be back the next 3 weekends, so I'm crossing my fingers that everything works out.

Jen Anderson said...

Glad Shana and Jeff are coming to visit!!! He is so, so sweet. I can't wait to see him again! And you guys. :) Love you!!

Andy and Kendra Anderson said...

love the little video! The boys watched it tonight and both were going "awwwwwwww..." And of course saying "we can't wait to see him!" He's getting cuter by the day!! Praying for Tuesday!!!:) Love you guys!!